scamper off中文什么意思

发音:   用"scamper off"造句
  • scamper:    vi. 1.(小孩、小走兽)跳跳蹦蹦 ...
  • off:    adv. 1.〔运动〕向那边,隔开。 ...
  • with scamper:    (蹦蹦跳) - 黑色 汽车/机器人; ...
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  1. Children , too young to comprehend wherefore this woman should be shut out from the sphere of human charities , would creep nigh enough to behold her plying her needle at the cottage - window , or standing in the doorway , or labouring in her little garden , or coming forth along the pathway that led townward ; and , discerning the scarlet letter on her * , would scamper off with a strange , contagious fear
  2. Children , too young to comprehend wherefore this woman should be shut out from the sphere of human charities , would creep nigh enough to behold her plying her needle at the cottage - window , or standing in the doorway , or labouring in her little garden , or coming forth along the pathway that led townward ; and , discerning the scarlet letter on her breast , would scamper off with a strange , contagious fear


  1. scamp-tme 什么意思
  2. scampamorte 什么意思
  3. scampato 什么意思
  4. scamper 什么意思
  5. scamper about 什么意思
  6. scamper through 什么意思
  7. scamper uthe steps 什么意思
  8. scampered wildly 什么意思
  9. scampi 什么意思
  10. scampicchio 什么意思


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